Borderline is an interactive video installation, that was shot on the Israel-Egypt boarder line during constructions of the separation fence. The planned explosion in the landscape is a result of the countries collaboration, as a part of the peaceful relationship between them. The video is showing the serene desert landscape most of the time. An explosion is activated while viewers enter the space, over and over again, reflecting the unbearable lightness of destruction. On a more global notion, the video depicts the destruction caused by human presence, wether it is aware and intentional, or not.
Maya Smira received the Ella King Torrey Award for Borderline, at the San Francisco Art Institute in 2014.
Borderline was also exhibited in Times Square in New York as a part of the LG Art Of The Pixel contest, where Maya was one of the 9 finalists at the big Gala event.
Maya Smira with Borderline, also recieved the Outset award for best video artist in the Fresh Paint Art Fair Video Greenhouse in Tel-Aviv in 2016